How to properly wash vegetables and fruits

How do I wash vegetables and fruits? At first glance, this is a simple question, but we always have something new!

Washing vegetables and fruits correctly is very important for removing dirt, bacteria, and pesticide residues. So here is a general advice on how to do it properly.

To prevent chemicals from entering the body, you should wash vegetables and fruits carefully.

General rules for wash vegetables and fruits:

  1. Wash Hands: the first thing you have to do is clean your hands to prevent transferring any bacteria or dirt to the fruits or vegetables.
  2. Soak vegetables and fruits in cold water for 5–10 minutes and rinse under the tap. This way, you will get rid of some harmful substances that may be contained inside the fruit and vegetables.
  3. Paraffin must be removed with a brush or sponge with a rough surface.
  4. You need to wash vegetables and fruits, even if you peel them. After all, germs maybe will get onto the pulp through your hands.
  5. If you prefer to use detergents, then use those that are intended only for fruits and vegetables.
  6. It is good to soak fruits in salt water.

How to wash vegetables:


wash vegetables and fruits


  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other smooth-skinned vegetables should be soaked in cool water and possibly salted. Then rinse as usual.
  • Any root vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, are best soaked in warm water. Use a brush to remove any remaining dirt.
  • For white cabbage, it is enough to remove 2–3 layers of the top leaves and cut out the stalk. Then immerse it in salted cold water.

How to wash fruits:


wash vegetables and fruits


  1. To wash off the wax, it is advisable to pour boiling water over fruits and then rinse under running water.
  2. Melons and watermelons should be washed in plenty of water with a brush.
  3. Thin-skinned fruits, such as apples and peaches, should be soaked in cold water for a few minutes. To remove the wax, rub the fruit with water and baking soda.
  4. It is most convenient to wash grapes and other berries in a colander. It is enough to leave the fruits under running water for a few minutes. It is better to divide the grapes into smaller clusters.

How to wash greens:


wash vegetables and fruits


Before washing the greens, you have to check carefully the greens for any damaged or wilted leaves, then remove any insects that may be clinging to the leaves.

The most important rule is to immediately remove unnecessary stems and roots. Then put the branches into the water, and you will notice the dirt settle at the bottom.


Washing vegetables and fruits properly is a fundamental step to maintain health, with a little effort in washing vegetables and fruits will protect your health.

We hope to benefit from these tips. And remember, your health is the result of what you eat.

Popular questions:

Should fruits and vegetables be washed?

Yes, pesticides can enter the body if you didn’t wash vegetables and fruits before consumption.

Is it better to wash produce with vinegar or baking soda?

For every to cups of cold water, use one teaspoon of baking soda, and let your product soak in the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes.

Should fruits and vegetables be truly washed after cutting?

It’s not recommended to wash vegetables and fruits after cutting, because all the vitamins and minerals, are washed away.

Does rinsing fruit remove pesticides?

Washing with water removes dirt, bacteria, and pesticide residues from fresh fruit and vegetable surfaces.

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